
پاڵه‌وانیه‌تى شه‌تره‌نجى نێوده‌وڵه‌تى نه‌ورۆز

به‌ بۆنه‌ی جه‌ژنى نه‌ورۆزى یانه‌ى شه‌تره‌نجى خانزاد یه‌كه‌مین پاڵه‌وانیه‌تى شه‌تره‌نجى راپیدى نێوده‌وڵه‌تى شه‌تره‌نج ده‌كاته‌وه‌ له‌ رۆژانى ١٨-٢٠ ى ئازارى سالى ٢٠١٥ هه‌ر یاریزانیك ئاره‌زووى به‌شدارى كردنى هه‌یه‌ سه‌ردانى یانه‌ بكات بو تومار كردنى ناوى وه‌ دوا كات بو ناو توماركردن ١٦/٣/٢٠١٥
رِێنماییه‌كان ‌ به‌م شێوه‌یه‌ى خواره‌وه‌یه‌

Khanzad Chess Club will organize the Newroz International Rapid Chess Championship from the period 18 to 20 March, 2015. It is 7 rounds as shown in the following chart. The awards are:
1000 $ for men 4 top players will be awarded
- 400 $ for women 4 top players will be awarded
the participants should pay a fee as shown in the table:
Registration deadline is 16th March, 2015

A-Tournament schedule :

1st Round Wednesday 18/3/2015 16:00
2nd round Wednesday 18/3/2015 19:00
3rd Round Thursday 19/3/2015 10:00
4th Round Thursday 19/3/2015 16:00
5th Round. Thursday. 19/3/2015. 19:00
6th Round. Friday. 20/3/2015. 10:00
7th Round. Friday. 20/3/2015. 16:00
prize Awards Friday. 20/3/2015. 18:00

B - participation & Related Fees

IM & GM. free
FM & WFM 15$
CM & WCM. 25$
Players with rating 2000 - 2199. 40 $. - 5-players with rating 1800 - 1999 50 $
players with rating 1700 - 1799. 60 $
players with rating 1600 - 1699. 70 $
players with rating of 1599 80 $
Non Rating 90 $

 پۆسته‌رى پاڵه‌وانیه‌ته‌كه‌                                                                


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